IPL Treatment

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a non-laser therapy involving highly concentrated and intense beams of light intermittently on the surface of skin. This therapy reduces the effects of aging, and is intended for the treatment of superficial benign pigmented and vascular lesions (i.e. age spots, sun spots, rosacea), thus smoothing out the skin’s tone and texture.

IPL treatment provides a complete area treatment for a variety of body areas, such as the face, neck, chest, hands, and arms. The average number of treatments will depend upon your skin and the issues you wish to address, specifically, however a series of three treatments, generally 4 weeks apart is recommended.

Realistic Expectations

IPL may improve the appearance of photo-aged skin by clearing the superficial pigmented and vascular lesions. The degree of improvement and the number of sessions required varies in clients

Superficial pigmented lesions such as freckles, sun spots, age spots, sun damage, and hyperpigmentation usually respond well to treatment. Some resistant pigmented lesions may need a more aggressive treatment

Aged skin with pigmented and structural damage in the form of wrinkles may show a better general improvement when combining IPL treatment with the Sublime procedure.

Get rid of sun damage, blood vessels, redness and brown spots!